I have been SO obsessed with planning the Halloween dance and making the perfect costume that I forgot ALL about Annie and Mandy.

A while back, they asked me to help with their costumes, since they know I’m super creative, but it TOTALLY slipped my mind!

Then yesterday Annie left a note in my locker that read, “Meet me and Mandy in the janitor’s closet during lunch, and bring the list!!”

I totally panicked!! “The list” was supposed to be a list of ideas for both of them…stuff I knew I could help them make…along with ideas to make it.

But all I had in my notebook were a bunch of doodles and hearts around Danny’s name. (Shhhh! That’s between you and me…and, well, everyone who goes online, which I guess is pretty much the whole world except my mom!)

Anyway, when I saw that note I sort of FLIPPED OUT, because there was only one class left before lunch, and I had a test, meaning I really had NO time! So I just sort of scribbled some ideas down super fast.

It looked like this:

Ideas for Annie: 

Ghost – White sheet and scissors

Witch – Black dress and black hat

Juliet – You can borrow mine!

Ideas for Mandy:

Vampire – Black dress and fake blood

Clown – Colorful outfit and makeup

Rat Mouse – You can borrow mine!

OMG my list was HORRIBLE!! I mean could I get any more generic than a ghost with a sheet? They asked for my help because they think I’m creative. I may as well have told them to go as themselves…or each other!

I felt SO bad. I mean, they’re SUCH awesome friends, and I was about to totally let them down!!

When I got to the janitor’s closet, Mandy was like, “I can’t WAIT to see your list!!”

Then Annie said, “Yeah, that costume you made for Kenzie is so awesome. You’re the best!”

I felt super guilty then. I wanted to say, “I sure am! If you define ‘best’ as someone who sat around watching Tyra videos on YouTube last night instead of making your list!!”

I was just about to pull out my notebook when I just blurted out, “The dog ate my list!”

I wish I could say I said it in my head so no one heard it but me, but I really gave them the lamest excuse EVER!!

They totally knew something was up, so I decided to just blurt it out. OK, so I made a big mistake and forgot to do what I said I’d do…but they’re my friends! I figured they’d understand.

I was right…they were totally cool about it!

Annie even said, “No biggie! There’s a TON of time between now and Halloween!”

She was so right. I don’t know why I was so nervous!!

Once I told them I forgot, I felt SO much better. And as soon as I stopped panicking, I started thinking of a TON of awesome ideas!!

We decided on a zombie bride for Annie. All we need is a white frilly prom dress, which we can probably find at a second-hand store, and then some red paint to put on the front (so we can make it look like she ate a bunch of brains!)

Then we can get some white gauzy fabric to make a veil. Super easy and it will look awesome!!

For Mandy, we decided on a mermaid costume. I know how we’ll make the top…we’ll hot glue seashells all over a bikini top (which she’ll wear over a tight flesh-colored shirt so she won’t look practically naked!)

But I have NO IDEA how to make the bottom part, with the tail! Do you guys have any ideas??

I think the costumes are going to come out totally awesome. I hope so, since Annie and Mandy are the best friends EVER!!


 That’s Mandy.^ The fun one.  That’s me. The loyal one.      And, that’s Annie, the cute one.

Byesies! 😀




Halloween is SO much fun when you have buckets of cash to buy a fancy costume. But I’m FLAT BROKE! In September, my dad was all like, “Save your allowance, because you’ll need to buy a costume next month!”

I totally thought he was kidding, like when he says, “You might enjoy Frank Sinatra’s music” or “You can date when you’re 21!”

But nope! He absolutely meant it, and now I’m kind of FREAKING OUT about what I’m going to wear!! Luckily, I don’t have to babysit Brianna and her friends at some LAME party, like I did last year.

But I’m not totally sure what I’m going to do yet. So far, no one (and you know who I mean!!) has asked me to the Halloween dance yet.

One thing at a time, though!! Right now, I’m all about the costume! I’ve been putting some thought into what I can be that won’t cost a lot of money. Since I have MAD art skills, I can definitely make something myself!

Here’s what I’ve come up with:

1. A mermaid, like in Pirates of the Caribbean!!

I have a sparkly bikini top, and I also have this shimmery green sheet that I could use to make the tail. (By “I have” I mean “my mom has on her bed.” I just know she will TOTALLY support me when I tell her how SUPER important this is!!)

I’ll probably want to get some kind of long flowing wig. If I was a CCP, I wouldn’t have to worry about that, because I’d already have super fake hair extensions that make me look like a DERANGED Barbie doll. But I’m not, so I don’t, moving on!

2. A black cat.

I’ll start with a black leotard and tights. Then I’ll take these old stuff animals I was going to give to Brianna, and rip them apart so I can glue furry bits all over the costume.

I know Brianna will totally lose her stuff if I tell her I was going to give those to her, so shhhh! This is just between you and me!

I’ll add ears and a tail, and whiskers with my mom’s black eye liner. Super easy, right? Maybe I’ll even carry around a milk bowl, but I’ll fill it with Milk Duds instead!

3. A beauty queen.

And I’m not talking about Miss America—I’m talking about one of the ones from Toddlers and Tiaras! Seriously, how messed up is that show?! I think 2-year olds should be playing with blocks and drinking from sippy cups, not getting their eye brows waxed!

But it’s a perfect costume for me! I just know I have some kind of sparkly dress from a dance recital when I was a kid. Then I’ll get a cheap plastic tiara, and write the word “toddler” somewhere on it.

4. Lady Gaga.

This one would be the toughest, and not ‘cause I can’t make the costume. I SO can! It’s just that my dad might have a HEART ATTACK if I try to leave the house without pants or wearing stilt shoes.

(If you have any ideas how make a Lady Gaga costume, I would be SUPER grateful!!!)

5. The floor of the movie theater.

OK, so this one isn’t really glamorous or cute, but it would be definitely be the most creative and fun to make! I’d wear a pair of black pants and a long-sleeve black shirt.

Then I’d get a ton of candy, eat it all with Chloe and Zoey (the fun part!) and glue the empty boxes and wrappers all over my clothes. Get it? ‘Cause the floor of the movie theater is black, and it ALWAYS has boxes and wrappers all over it!

Maybe if I do this, I can send a picture of me in my costume to the local movie theater, telling them why they should DEFINITELY hire me to clean up after shows. Then I won’t be FLAT BROKE for Halloween next year!